
Stay up-to-date with our latest campaigns, investment actions, and learn how we realise value through activist investing.

Latest News

Source: Financial Review By: Joanne Tran Activist investor Sandon Capital has sought to counter concerns about more client money leaving Magellan since the departure of its veteran infrastructure portfolio manager Gerald Stack was made public last week. Magellan shares fell 23.5 per cent in the......

Source: The Sun Herald By: Mary Ward and Amber Schultz Hundreds of key medicines are in short supply in Australia as experts warn the problem is putting lives and livelihoods at risk. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) lists more than 420 medicines as being in......

Source: The Sun Herald Opinion A generation of women shied away from using treatments to ease the symptoms of menopause after a 2002 study linked hormone replacement therapy (HRT) with an increased risk of medical conditions such as stroke and breast cancer. The hesitance to......

Source: The Financial Review By: Sarah Thompson, Kanika Sood and Emma Rapaport Activist shareholders have inflicted a hit on Karoon Energy’s board as investors voted down the oil and gas producer’s remuneration report at the company’s annual general meeting in Melbourne on Thursday. Street Talk......

Source: The Australian By: Tansy Harcourt Karoon Energy has suffered a first strike at its annual general meeting – with more than 26 per cent of shareholders voting against its remuneration report, amid growing anger that the company has put growth through acquisitions ahead of......

Source: The Australian By: Tansy Harcourt Karoon Energy founder Bob Hosking said it’s time for the under-fire oil and gas company to start paying shareholders a dividend. After two decades on the ASX but under the radar of most investors, Karoon has shifted from explorer......



Karoon Energy Limited

Karoon has been listed on the ASX for 20 years. Over that time period, it has never paid a dividend. Sandon Capital believes that now is the time for investors to be rewarded with dividends and/or buybacks given Karoon’s status as a fully fledged oil and gas producer. We consider this will help to narrow the large valuation gap Karoon trades at relative to its peers.

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Magellan Financial Group

Sandon Capital considers Magellan to be deeply undervalued and misunderstood by the market.  Magellan shares trade at a significant discount to their intrinsic value as well as a substantial discount to its peers.

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A2B Australia

At the time of investment, A2B’s share price was underpinned by its valuable property holdings. Sandon Capital believes significant value can be unlocked through operational improvement, improved capital allocation and strategic changes.

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Iluka Resources

Contrary to board and broker consensus, Sandon Capital believed a lucrative royalty was being significantly undervalued by the market.

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Fleetwood Australia

Fleetwood was perceived as a mining services company with a number of stranded assets that had failed to deliver consistent profits.

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Coventry Group

Sandon Capital saw the potential for a turnaround in CYG’s performance with a change in governance and a strategic shift in operations and capital management.

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Sandon Capital believed that changes in the operational and capital management strateges would lead to improved performance and a share market rerating.

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On Activism

Australian Financial Review
By Tom Richardson
18 May 2021

Gabriel Radzyminski says activism is a tool to unlock value

Any company will ultimately bend to the will of the majority of shareholders, says the market-beating fund manager.

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Australian Financial Review
By Jonathan Shapiro
18 May 2020

Why COVID-19 is a gift to activist investors

Activist fund managers have the potential to create even more value from downtrodden companies as a result of the coronavirus turmoil, according to Independent Investment Research, because the timing is extremely favourable for a turn of fortunes.

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Australian Financial Review
By Tony Featherstone
3 January 2020

Wake up call for boards as activists doubt their capability

The forces behind the uptick in shareholder activism have been building for a decade. In this article Gabriel Radzyminski and other experts share their views.

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By Gabriel Radzyminski
18 March 2013

Shareholder Activism in Australia

In this Firstlinks article Gabriel Radzyminski, Sandon Capital Founder, Managing Director and Portfolio Manager, describes how activist investing plays an important role in building the efficiency of Australian capital markets and in protecting and enhancing common shareholder wealth.

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Latest Videos

Gabriel Radzyminski – The Man on a Mission to Overhaul Karoon

Watch the Money of Mine Interview with Gabriel Radzyminski.

Gabriel Radzyminski on shareholder activism – good governance and shareholder value

Watch the Investment Markets Interview with Gabriel Radzyminski.

How to improve shareholder value

Watch the Australian Financial Review panel discussion, including panel member Gabriel Radzyminski.

Watch the SALT Talks interview with Rachel Pether.

Public Advocacy

Source: The Sun Herald By: Mary Ward and Amber Schultz Hundreds of key medicines are in short supply in Australia as experts warn the problem is putting lives and livelihoods at risk. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) lists more than 420 medicines as being in......

Source: The Sun Herald Opinion A generation of women shied away from using treatments to ease the symptoms of menopause after a 2002 study linked hormone replacement therapy (HRT) with an increased risk of medical conditions such as stroke and breast cancer. The hesitance to......

Source: Financial Review By: Gabriel Radzyminski The upper echelons of corporate Australia are drawing their battle lines against the notion that shareholders might nominate directors. Esteemed National Australia Bank chairman Phil Chronican has weighed in, citing conflicts of interest should super funds nominate directors to the boards of......

Source: Livewire By: Chris Conway Activist Investing: Changing the corporate status quo for investors’ benefit Activism isn’t new in Australia but it is gaining prominence – and the performance returns will make investors sit up and take notice. Activist investing has gained traction in Australia......

Source: Sandon Capital By: Sandon Capital Sandon Capital’s 2023 AGM Season Recap The end of November marks the end of AGM season for companies with a 30 June balance date.  For the Sandon Capital portfolio, AGM season has been positive. AGMs are often eschewed by......

Source: Financial Review By: Gabriel Radzyminski Whether we realise it or not, most Australians have an interest in the ability of shareholders to hold the directors of the companies we own to account. For most of us, this is through our superannuation or pension products.......

Source: The Australian Financial Review. By: Michael Roddan. Treasury’s proxy adviser reforms will “further entrench underperforming listed company directors”, reduce management accountability and weaken shareholder rights, Sandon Capital founder Gabriel Radzyminski says. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg’s proposed overhaul of the proxy advice sector would shield directors and management who oversee......

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